Financial Aid Policies
Finance Office
F-01 Scholarship Forfeiture
F-02 Purchasing
F-03 Cashiering
F-04 Health Insurance Self Insurance Program
F-05 Payment of Student Accounts
F-06 Annual Employee Packages
F-07 Use of University Vehicles
F-08 Rental of Facilities
F-09 On Campus Apt Rental
F-10 Document Rentention and Destruction
F-11 Whistleblower
F-14 Lobbying Certification
F-15 Electronic Signatures
F-16 Check Signing
F-17 Capitalization
Financial Aid
F-FA-01 Scholarships for Spouses of Students
F-FA-02 Scholarships for Dependent Children of Faculty & Staff at Sister Restoration Colleges
F-FA-03 Scholarships for Faculty, their Spouses and Dependents
F-FA-04 Scholarships for Staff, their Spouses and Dependents
Office of Information Technology
F-IT-01 Acceptable Use
F-IT-02 Information Security
F-IT-03 Network Infrastructure
F-IT-04 Software Regulations
F-IT-06 Student Computing Labs
F-IT-07 Email
F-IT-08 HEOA Compliance
F-IT-09 Office of Information Technology