Faculty Scholarly Contributions
Contributions to the Kingdom by MACU Faculty
The members of the faculty of Mid-Atlantic Christian University consider educational ministry a privilege and a responsibility. Traditionally universities have a threefold purpose for existence: to teach, to serve, and to research. The MACU faculty serves in three similar ways.
- We view our primary sphere of service to be teaching.
- We also see our role of service to be to churches and to our community. Specifically to churches, we serve informally by answering emails and serving in the churches we attend in various capacities, but also in visiting congregations near and far, so we may help equip God’s people for service in His kingdom.
- We also play a role in service to the church at large by research through scholarly and popular publication, through delivering papers and workshops at conventions, and through participation in other projects.
We hope you will enjoy reading about the recent contributions of MACU faculty in these latter two venues: first recent publications and second, standing presentations ready to deliver at churches.
Recent Publications and Professional Activities by MACU Faculty
- Larsen, Kevin W., Frankie Snyder, and Scott Stripling. “A Unique Ceramic Hybrid-Figurine from Tel Shiloh.” Judea and Samaria Research Studies (forthcoming).
- Larsen, Kevin W. “Mockery with a Sponge Stick at Jesus’s Crucifixion: A look at the biblical and Greco-Roman evidence.” Stone-Campbell Journal (forthcoming).
- Mirau, Abigail R. “The Fear of the Lord is the Path to Virtue.” The Consortium: A Journal of Classical Christian Education. 3.1 (2024): 109-120.
- Smith, Robert W., Adam Chambers, Kevin W. Larsen, and Josiah D. Peeler. “A Byzantine Inscription from the Area G Ecclesiastical Complex of Abila, at Quwaylibah, Jordan.” Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (forthcoming).
- Smith, Robert W. “Church Buildings and Baptisteries: Evidence of Evangelism at Abila in Palaestina Secunda?” Paper presented at the Near Eastern Archaeological Society Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. November 21, 2024.
- Pace, J.L. 2024. Pristinamycin compositions, LpxC compositions, their improvements, and combinations thereof. U.S. Patent. 11,951,148.
- Pace, J.L., M.E. Wiles, S.M. Adams, and E. Hussey. 2024. Combination therapy effective against microorganisms, including drug resistant microorganisms. U.S. Patent. 11,925,653.
- Larsen, Kevin W. “Alexander Jannaeus Coins of the TJC Group L Type.” Pages 143-62 in Excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir, Israel, 1995–2000 and 2009–2016. Vol 2: The Late Hellenistic, Early Roman, and Byzantine Periods. Edited by Scott Stripling and Mark A. Hassler. Oxford: Archaeopress. 2023.
- Peeler, Josiah D. Review of Jonathan Thambyrajah, Loanwords in Biblical Literature: Rhetorical Studies in Esther, Daniel,Ezra, and Exodus. Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 41.2 (2023): 154-56.
- Peeler, Josiah D. Review of Robert S.D. Crellin. The Semantics of Word Division in Northwest Semitic Writing Systems: Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Moabite and Greek. Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 68 (2023): 86-89.
- Peeler, Josiah D. Review of Scott B. Noegel, “Wordplay” in Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Restoration Quarterly 65 (2023): 53-54.
- Peeler, Josiah D. ““Terror on Every Side”: Metathesis as Siegeworks in Ezek 7:15.” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 49 (2023): 49-64.
- Smith, Robert W. Review of Arthur Segal, Temples and Sanctuaries in the Roman East: Religious Architecture in Syria, Iudaea/Palaestina and Provincia Arabia. Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 68 (2023): 95-98.
- Smith, Robert W. Review of David A. Fiensey, The Archaeology of Daily Life: Ordinary Persons in Late Second Temple Judaism. Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 68 (2023): 98-101.
- Larsen, Kevin W. “An Iron Age I Monumental Building … could it be? An update on recent archaeological excavations at ancient Shiloh, Israel.” Paper presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference. Knoxville, TN, April 14-15, 2023.
- Gardlik, S., T. Hartsell, L. Williams, R. Doyle, M. V. Villegas, S. Volla, and John L. Pace. “A Novel Fosfomycin-Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Combination Exhibits Marked In Vitro Antibacterial Synergy Against Bacteria Causative of Urinary Tract Infections.” Presentation at the ASM ESCMID Joint Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance. Boston, MA, September 19-22, 2023.
- Hartsell, T.L., S. Adams, L. Williams, M. V. Villegas, S. Gardlik, S. Volla, and John L. Pace. “In-vitro Antibacterial Activity of a Fosfomycin-Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Combination Against a Bacterial Collection of Multidrug-resistant Clinical Isolates.” Presentation at the ASM ESCMID Joint Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance. Boston, MA, September 19-22, 2023.
- Pace, John L., P. Martinez Ponce , E. Rios-Nieves, L. Dubreuil, T. Hartsell, S. Gardlik, and S. Volla. “Susceptibility of the Anaerobes Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp., and Clostridioides difficile to a Unique Synergistic Antibacterial Combination.” Presentation at the ASM ESCMID Joint Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance. Boston, MA, September 19-22, 2023.
- Smith, Robert W. “Human Experience in the Pilgrimage Complex of Abila: Contributions of the 2023 Field Season.” Paper presented at the Near Eastern Archaeological Society Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. November 15, 2023.
Pace, John L., and T.L. Hartsell. 2023. Co-agents as therapy against anaerobic pathogens. U.S. Patent Appl. 20230398101.
- Smith, Robert W. “Crises and the Development of the Abila/Quwaylibah Pilgrimage Site in Byzantine Palaestina Secunda and Umayyad Jund al-Urdunn.” Culture in Crisis: Flows of Peoples, Artifacts, and Ideas. Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XIV. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. Review of Ben Witherington III and Joshua A. Myers, Paul of Arabia: The Hidden Years of the Apostle to the Gentiles. NEASB 67 (2022): 24-25.
- Smith, Robert W. and Kevin W. Larsen. “The Significance of Water-Deities Subjugated by Tyche on the City-Coins of Syria-Palaestina and Arabia during the 2nd and 3rd century CE.” Online Journal for Ancient Numismatics 4 (2022): 53-66. https://doi.org/10.17879/ozean-2022-4569.
- Smith, Robert W. and Kevin W. Larsen. “The Origins and Significance of the Name of the Decapolis City of Hippos: A Proposal Based on Numismatic Evidence, the Urban Water System, and Classical Mythology.” ARAM Journal for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 34 (2022): 185-201.
- Weiss, A., et al. [John Pace] Topical niclosamide (ATx201) reduces Staphylococcus aureus colonization and increases Shannon diversity of the skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis patients in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 trial. Clinical and Translational Medicine 12.5 (May 2022):e790. https://doi.org/10.1002/ctm2.790.
- Williams, L., et al, and John L.Pace. “In-vitro activity of a fosfomycin-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination against bacteria causing urinary tract infections.” Presentation at American Society of Microbiology Microbe 2022.
- Martinez Ponce, P., et al, and John L. Pace. “Antibacterial susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria from intraabdominal, soft tissue infections, and colitis to a synergistic triple antibiotic combination.” Presentation at American Society of Microbiology Microbe 2022.
- Hartsell, T.L. et al, and John L. Pace. “In-vitro activity of a fosfomycin-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination against 3rd-generation cephalosporin, beta-lactam-beta-lactamase inhibitor combination, carbapenem, aminoglycoside, tigecycline, polymyxin B, and/or colistin-resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates.” Presentation at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infecteous Diseases 2022.
- Hartsell, T.L. et al, and John L. Pace. “In vitro activity of a fosfomycin-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole antibacterial combination against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus spp.” Presentation at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infecteous Diseases 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. “The Calamities of Climate Change, Disease and Earthquakes in Shaping the Development of the Sixth Century Pilgrimage Complex at Abila/ Quwayliba, Jordan.” Paper presented at the British Ancient Near East Association virtual conference. Cambridge, UK, January 7, 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. “Through the Roof in Capernaum: A Proposed Harmonization of a Synoptic Pericope based on Archaeological Observation and Experimentation.” Paper presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference. Knoxville, TN, April 9, 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. “The Panorama of Biblical History: An Approach to Teaching Biblical Chronology through a Sequence of Period Student Presentations.” Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Eastern Region Annual Meeting. Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, April 22, 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. “Loyalty to the Roman Emperors at Abila of the Decapolis.” ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Conference 51. Oxford University, UK, July 25, 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. “Tracking Pilgrims in Jordan during Late Antiquity: Observations from Abila/ Quwayliba.” Paper presented at ICHAJ (International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan). Irbid, Yarmuk University, August 2022. (See page 77 for abstract)
- Smith, Robert W. “Through the same Roof in Capernaum: A Proposal for Understanding Mark 2 and Luke 5.” Paper presented in the session, “Experimental Approaches to the Ancient Near Eastern Textual Record” at ASOR virtual conference. Boston, Mass., October 21, 2022.
- Smith, Robert W. “The Creation of Sacred Space in the Abila Pilgrimage Complex at Quwaylibah, Jordan.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Near Eastern Archaeological Society. Denver, Co., November 16, 2022.
- Fudge, Eric J. “A Spoke in the Wheel: Enhancing Chaplaincy Documentation in Interdisciplinary Care Settings.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 75/2 (June 2021): 112-118.
- Farhi, Yoav and Kevin W. Larsen. “Some New Insights and a Note Regarding Alexander Jannaeus Anchor/Star (TJC Group L) Coins.” Online Journal for Ancient Numismatics 3 (2021): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.17879/ozean-2021-3392
- Peeler, Josiah. “Quenching Tears: A Note on 2 Kings 22:17 and 19.” Vetus Testamentum (2021): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685330-bja10070
- Smith, Robert. “The Abila Relief Fragment and the Creation of Hierotopy in a Byzantine/Umayyad Era Pilgrimage Complex at Quwayliba, Jordan.” Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2 (2020): 521–32.
- Woodworth, Gerald R., Jennifer N. Ward, and David E. Carr. “Exotic tree and shrub invasions alter leaf-litter microflora and arthropod communities.” Oecologia 193 (2020): 177-87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04657-1
Fields, Lee M. Commentary writer: ““Love That Intercedes: 1 Samuel 19:1–7.” For the lesson dated fall, 2020, in Standard Lesson Commentary. Colorado Springs: Standard Publishing, David C. Cook, 2020.
Larsen, Kevin W. Review of Nicholas Taylor, Paul on Baptism: Theology, Mission and Ministry in Context. Stone-Campbell Journal 22 (2019): 274-76.
- Fields, Lee M. Commentary writer: “Isaiah 61:8–11; 62:2–4a.” For the lesson dated April 26, 2020, in Standard Lesson Commentary. Colorado Springs: Standard Publishing, David C. Cook, 2019.
- Pace, John L. 2019. Pristinamycin compositions, LpxC compositions, their improvements, and combinations thereof. US Patent No. 10,407,457.
- King, David S. “Demystifying Parliamentary Procedures for Licensure Board, Association and Other Leaders.” Paper presented at the Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference. New Orleans, LA, February 21, 2019.
- Larsen, Kevin W. “The Seleucid and Hasmonean Coins of Shiloh: What They Do and Do Not Tell Us about the Occupation of 2nd Century BCE Shiloh.” Paper presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference. Knoxville, TN, April 5-6, 2019.
- Smith, Robert W. “The Development of the Abila/Quwaylibah Pilgrimage Site in Byzantine Palaestina Secunda and Umayyad Jund al-Urdunn.” Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan. Florence, Italy, January 22, 2019.
- Smith, Robert W. “Abila of Palaestina Secunda/Und Al-Urdunn: Discoveries and Observations Regarding Materials and Motives in a MultiPhase Byzantine/Umayyad Ecclesiastical Complex.” ARAM Journal for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 30 (2018): 1-24.
- Smith, Robert W. “Preliminary Report on the 2014 and 2016 Excavations Revealing Processional Ways in the Area E Pilgrimage Complex.” Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59 (2018): 649-61.
- Fields, Lee M. Commentary writer: “God Creates Heaven and Earth: Genesis 1:1-13.” For the lesson dated September 2, 2018, in Standard Lesson Commentary. Colorado Springs: Standard Publishing, David C. Cook, 2018.
- Pace, John L. 2018. Pristinamycin compositions, LpxC compositions, their improvements, and combinations thereof. US Patent No. 9,872,884.
- Fields, Lee M. “From Syllabi to Assessment: Fourth Semester Hebrew as a New Beginning.” Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 15, 2018.
- Fields, Lee M. “Progress and Regress: Jewish-Chrsitian Dialogue in Antiquity.” Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 15, 2018.
- Smith, Robert W. “Muslim and Christian Veneration at the Pilgrimage Complext of Abila in Late Antiquity.” Paper presented at the Near East Archaeological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 15, 2018.
- Smith, Robert W. “Water and Water Features in Creating the Hierotopy of the Abila Pilgrimage Complex in Palaestina Secunda/Jund al-Urdunn.” Paper presented at the American Schools of Orienta Research Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, November 17, 2018.
- Fields, Lee M. Hebrew for the Rest of Us Video Lectures. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017.
- Larsen, Kevin W. “Neglected Considerations in Understanding the Structure of the Book of Revelation.” Restoration Quarterly 59:4 (2017): 225–33.
- Pace, John L. 2017. Pristinamycin compositions, LpxC compositions, their improvements, and combinations thereof. US Patent No. 9,539,305.
- Fields, Lee M. “Kisses & Embraces.” Pages 254-67 in vol. 2 of The Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity. Edited by Edwin M. Yamauchi and Marvin R. Wilson. 4 vols. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2016. Click Here to Purchase or other distributors.
- Fields, Lee M. Review of Alan S. Bandy and Benjamin L. Merkel, Understanding Biblical Prophecy: A Biblical Theological Approach. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 59 (2016): 616–18.
- Larsen, Kevin W. Review of Paul N. Anderson, From Crisis to Christ: A Contextual Introduction to the New Testament. Stone-Campbell Journal 19 (2016): 141-42.
- Zeng D, Debabov D, Hartsell TL, Cano R.J., Adams S, Schuyler JA, McMillan R, Pace J.L. “Approved glycopeptide antibacterial drugs: Mechanism of action and resistance.” In Silver, L., and Bush K. (Eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine 2016;6:a026989 doi: 10.1101/CSHPERSPECT.a026989.
- Smith, Robert W. “Abila and the Decapolis in Modern Mystical Literature.” ARAM 28:1&2 (2016).
- Smith, Robert W. “Threshing & Winnowing.” Pages 254-67 in vol. 4 of The Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity. Edited by Edwin M. Yamauchi and Marvin R. Wilson. 4 vols. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2016. Click Here to Purchase or other distributors.
- Smith, Robert W. “Tools & Utensils.” Pages 281-95 in vol. 4 of The Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity. Edited by Edwin M. Yamauchi and Marvin R. Wilson. 4 vols. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2016. Click Here to Purchase or other distributors.
- Santiago-Rodriguez, T.M., G. Fornaciari, S. Luciani, S. Dowd, I. Marota, G. A. Toranzos, John Pace, and R. J. Cano. “Ancient Human Gut Microbiomes are Reservoirs of Antibiotic-Resistance Genes.” Presentation at American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2016.
- Woodworth, Gerald. “White-tailed deer, exotic plant invasions, and their effects on deciduous forest communities.” Paper presented at the University of Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series. Charlottesville, VA, 2016.
Presentations for Churches by MACU Faculty
Kevin Larsen
"Building a Firm Foundation: Basic Christian Beliefs"
A multi-part survey of the major doctrines of Christianity. Topics include the Bible, God, Man, Christ, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Church, Last Days.
Ronnie Woolard
"The Creation/Evolution Controversy: Equipping Christians for the Battle"
A foundational truth of the Christian worldview is that God is the Creator. His role as Lawgiver and Redeemer cannot be understood apart from this starting point. If there were no Creation and subsequent Fall as described in Genesis, then Jesus is reduced to a man on the wrong planet with the wrong mission. Effective evangelism in today’s world must include a defense of the scientific credibility of the Biblical account of Creation, the Fall, and the Flood.
"From Jerusalem to Rome - A Survey of the Book of Acts"
It could be argued that Acts of the Apostles is the most important book in the New Testament due to its several unique characteristics. For example, without Acts we would know far less about Paul, the author of over half of the New Testament. Understanding the origin and growth of the church is essential for effective Christian service. A Christian servant is expected to be able to lead a person to faith in Christ and then maturity in that faith. Much of the foundation for this task is found in Acts.
"Genesis: Foundation for the Rest of the Bible"
Genesis provides vital information about the origin of all things and thus the meaning of all things. Without this foundation the rest of the Bible is more difficult to understand. Moses was not an eyewitness of these events but he was the inspired writer whom God used to preserve a written record of the pivotal characters and events of this opening chapter in the history of God’s plan of the world.
"A Journey with Jeremiah"
Most agree that we are living in the “post-Christian era” or a time when Christianity is not the dominant force in Western civilization it once was. How do you respond to such a situation? Despair? Determination? Follow the journey of faith of Jeremiah, a dedicated prophet of God. He stood for God and remained faithful in times far more discouraging than our own. Allow a time of reflection on his life to light a fire under your resolve to be faithful.
"Leadership Portraits from Scripture"
A walk through a bookstore reveals an array of resources offering advice on effective leadership in a wide range of careers from business to government. Though valuable insights can be gleaned from the experiences of these successful leaders, the Word of God must not be neglected in the search for leadership principles. Its pages are filled with the stories of real leaders facing real challenges and meeting with different degrees of success. All of their stories offer principles for effective leadership for those who search with the eye of faith.