University Policies
The MACU policy website is the official home of all University policy. Policies duplicated on other websites or in print may not be the most current version. The purpose of the policy website is to ensure faculty, staff, and students have ready access to policies. It is the responsibility of the MACU community, including faculty, staff, and students, to familiarize themselves with the policies and comply with the University policies that affect them.
The responsible officer list and their divisions are the following: Chairman of the Board is responsible for the Board of Trustees; the President is responsible for the Institutional Wide; Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Finance is responsible for Finance, with the sub-divisions of Financial Aid and Information Technology; Director of Institutional Advancement is responsible for Institutional Advancement; Vice President for Student Life is responsible for Student Life; and the Vice President for Enrollment Services is responsible for Admissions.
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