For Faculty & Staff
For Faculty and Staff
Welcome to the MACU OIT for Faculty & Staff. Below you will find information about policies, access, and recommendations related to the MACU network.
- Policies and Procedures
- Safe Computing and Information Security
- MACU Email
- Microsoft Home Use Program
- Copyrights, P2P, and File Sharing
- Education Technology
Policies and Procedures
MACU IT Policies
Anti-Virus Requirement
All staff and faculty wishing to connect their personal devices to the MACU network are required to have:
- Anti-Virus software installed and up-to-date.
- Latest services packs for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or a MAC with Mac OS X v10.4 or higher.
- Up-to-date software (e.g. Flash, Java, etc.)
Routers are not allowed on the network (wired or wireless.)
Personal access points are not permitted on the network.
Peer-to-peer applications are not allowed on the network.
Mid-Atlantic Christian University filters web content.
Proxies/Anonymizers are strictly forbidden.
Click here for information on your MACU Email account – Email is considered an official method for communication at Mid-Atlantic Christian University. Official email communications are intended to meet the academic and administrative needs of the university. The university has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion. To enable this process, the college ensures that all students and employees can be accessed through a standardized, university-issued email account.
Click here for complete Home Use information – Find out how you, an employee of MACU, can obtain a copy of Microsoft Office Pro 2013 (Windows) or Microsoft Office 2011 (Mac).
Education Technology
Educational Technology Support and Guides – Contains information on Moodle, Turnitin, and Yuja.