MACU email

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University Email Policy

Email is considered an official method for communication at Mid-Atlantic Christian University. Official email communications are intended to meet the academic and administrative needs of the university. The university has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion. To enable this process, the college ensures that all students can be accessed through a standardized, university-issued email account.

FERPA and Email

University email is an official form of communication for Mid-Atlantic Christian University. Because of the University email’s position as an official correspondence, directory and non-directory information should not be shared via any non-University email address. Email communication between staff/faculty and students should only take place via official University assigned email addresses. Non-directory information should be shared via University or non-University email addresses. The transmission of final grades via email is a violation of FERPA. If an email is sent to a third party and the email is also sent to student, the student’s email address should be placed in the blind carbon copy (Bcc) field.  Student email addresses should only be shared with the permission of the student.

Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information about FERPA regulations.

Assignment of Staff and Faculty Email Addresses

Faculty email addresses are assigned at the request of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Staff email addresses are assigned at the request from the associated department. Staff and faculty will have an assigned password which will be distributed via written correspondence. 

Department and group email addresses can be requested but they are assigned at the discretion of OIT.

Assignment of Student Email Addresses

Each student, upon enrolling, is issued an email account with an address on the domain. The email account created by the University is the official email address to which the university will send electronic communications. Students will be notified with their account information via written communication.

Accessing Email via Google Apps for Education @ MACU

Information about Google Apps for Education, MACUapps, Gmail, and all other information related to Google is freely available on the official MACUapps webpage:

Login credentials adhere to the following format:

            Username:   firstname.lastname

            Password:  (listed in your welcome packet/provided by OIT)

Users can access the main Google Apps directly by navigating to:,,,        

Mobile Access/Alternative Access

Google Apps for Education/Gmail support IMAP/POP3 forwarding to phones and third-party email clients.  Individual guides for all major phone operating systems can be found at : .

Redirecting Email

Students may elect to redirect messages sent to their Mid-Atlantic Christian University email address.  Students who redirect email from their official address to another address (Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) do so at their own risk.  Having email lost as a result of redirection does not absolve students from their responsibilities associated with communications sent to their official email address.  

Expectations Regarding Student Use of Email

Students are expected to check their Mid-Atlantic Christian University official email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of school-related communications.  

Students are responsible for the consequences of not reading University-related communications sent to their official University email account. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical.

Educational Uses of Email

Instructors may set policies defining how students use email in their class, including requiring students to check their email on a regular basis. University staff, faculty and students cannot use personal email accounts for University business.

Distribution List Access and Usage

Distribution lists are available for staff and faculty; students are prohibited from accessing University distribution list directly. Distribution lists are for University-related use only.

Mass Mailing

Unauthorized mass mailings are prohibited and may result in the immediate loss of network access.

Acceptable Usage of University Email

University email may not be used in the following ways:

  • Unlawful Activities
  • Commercial purposes
  • Personal financial gain
  • False identity in email communications
  • Misrepresentation of Mid-Atlantic Christian University

Deletion of Student Email Accounts

Student accounts are deactivated on the last day of drop-add of the first semester that a student is not registered. When an account is deactivated, no one will be able to log in with that account information or have access to files stored under it. Accounts are deleted one year after account deactivation. 

Retention of Email for Alumni

Beginning in the Spring of 2012, students that graduate from Mid-Atlantic Christian University will have the option of keeping their email address. Accounts for alumni that remain inactive for a period of one year will be removed–all emails, documents, calendars, and contacts associated with the account will be deleted. 

Deletion and Retention of Staff and Faculty Email Accounts

Staff and faculty email accounts are disabled when an employee leaves the University. Staff and faculty email is archived for a period of at least three years after the last official University-related interaction.