Dr. Cheryl Luton, Associate Professor of Elementary Education and Director of Teacher Education at Mid-Atlantic Christian University, led sessions from August 1st – 9th for K-2 and 3-5 grade public school teachers. The workshop sessions were aimed at helping school teachers incorporate practical activities in the elementary math classroom that are inquiry-based and reflect real-world scenarios.
The sessions that Dr. Luton led were part of an 8-day summer institute funded by a grant from the United States Department of Education and conducted in Elizabeth City – “The Albemarle Instruction, Inquiry and Integration Mathematics and Science (AI3MS) Partnership.” The grant was written by MACU adjunct professor George Cox, who teaches a science methods course in the university’s elementary education program. Math and science teachers throughout eleven school districts in northeast North Carolina participated in this professional development opportunity.
This service provided an opportunity for Dr. Luton to share her expertise with teachers who work in the region’s public school systems. Consequently, MACU gained exposure in the community as a leader in mathematics education. MACU is grateful for faculty who serve within the Kingdom of God by meeting the needs of the community.