List of Current Funds
Benjamin H. and Peggy A. Allen Scholarship Fund
Alumni Scholarship
Margaret “Jackie” Amick Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Gene Andrews and Lawrence R. Kepler Scholarship Fund
Anonymous Scholarship
Donald S. Baker, Sr. and J. Michael Thornton Memorial Married Student Scholarship
BB&T/Willis Owens/Charles Ward/J. Carroll Abbott Scholarship
Jimmy and Shelby Bennett Scholarship Fund*
Odis and Ruby Bennett Memorial Scholarship
Biker Rally Scholarship for Cross-Cultural Studies
Al Blanton Scholarship
Boggs Family Scholarship
Henry and Viola Harrison Bohmer Memorial Scholarship
George W. BonDurant Scholarship
S. Elizabeth BonDurant Choral Scholarship
Sarah Presley BonDurant Scholarship
Jack A. Borland Scholarship
Charles L. Braswell Scholarship
McArthur Britt, Jr. Scholarship Fund*
Calvary Christian Church Missions Aviation Scholarship Fund
R. Ainsworth Chapman Biblical Studies Scholarship
Armand and Rose Cistaro Memorial Fund
Class of 1987 Scholarship
Class of 1993 Scholarship
Class of 1999 Scholarship
Class of 2004 Scholarship*
Class of 2008 Scholarship*
Class of 2010 Scholarship*
Ted R. Clifton Scholarship
Colonial Place Church of Christ Fund
Ronnie L. Comstock Fund
Cooper Ministry Scholarship
Cooper Missions Scholarship
Vickie Andrews Cox Memorial Scholarship
Larry Walter Coyle Memorial Fund
Craven Christian Church Scholarship
D.H. and Sue Crowe Scholarship
J. David Cuthbertson Fund
Deaf/Hearing Impaired Scholarship
Frankie DeWald Scholarship
Bertha M. Dicks Memorial Scholarship
Alva W. Douglas Scholarship Fund
Lucy Duke Memorial Mission Scholarship
Joe D and Doris W Eakes Endowed Scholarship Fund
Eastern Christian College Alumni Scholarship
Excellence in Christian Scholarship Fund
Fairfield Christian Church Scholarship
Lee M Fields Scholarship Fund
Eddie and Elsie Forehand Scholarship Fund
Thelma East Forney Memorial Scholarship
Fritz/Flint Memorial Scholarship
Frank B. Fuller, Sr. Scholarship Fund
Jake Austin Griffin Memorial Scholarship
Howard and Carol Guidry Scholarship Fund
Vernon Hall Scholarship
Etta B. Hardison Scholarship Fund
Loma and Ella Hassell Scholarship Fund
William O. and Lucretia Henderson Scholarship
Homer and Ruby Hendricks Memorial Scholarship
Bobby and Jean Higginbotham Scholarship Fund*
Holly Neck Church of Christ Scholarship
Ben James Memorial Scholarship
Robert L. Johnson Fund
Iola P. Keffer Scholarship Fund
Christopher T. Knollenberg Elementary Education Scholarship
Langley Scholastic Fund
Larsen Family Linguistic Scholarship
Carol J. Laswell Memorial Scholarship
Michael Lease Memorial Scholarship
Timothy R. Lease Memorial Scholarship
Lindsley Scholarship Fund
W. Edwin Lipscombe Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Charles Poindexter and Nelle BonDurant Mabry Scholarship Fund
Macedonia Christian Church Preaching Scholarship Fund
Master’s Twelve Scholarship
Matthew Maurice Scholarship Fund*
Frances Mills Memorial Scholarship
Moore Scholarship
M.G. Morrisette, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Bedford A. Motley, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Robert W. Moulden Fund
Mt. Holley Scholarship
Mt. Pleasant Christian Church Scholarship Fund*
Marshall and Viola Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Music Scholarship
Dennis Myers Memorial Fund
North Pointe Christian Church Scholarship Fund
Northampton Church of Christ Scholarship Fund
Oak Grove Christian Church Fund
Owney Memorial Scholarship
The Perennial Fund
Presidential Merit Scholarship
C.G. and Edith Presley Preaching Scholarship
Grace Presley Scholarship Fund
Pearl A. Presley Sacred Music Scholarship
Pressley Fund
Jack and Rea Pressley Music Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dennis Pruett Memorial Fund
B. Neal and Egypt P. Puckett Scholarship
Doug Ragsdale Scholarship
Raymond Family Scholarship
Rehoboth Victory Christian Church “A Place of Another Chance” Fund
Saunders Revels Family Scholarship
Lloyd E. Robbins Memorial Scholarship
Jennifer Norris Russell Scholarship
Robert L. Russell Preaching Scholarship
Sidney and Elizabeth Sadler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jonathan B. Sawyer Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan Schipper Memorial Scholarship
A. E. Schlieser Memorial Scholarship
Donna Scott Memorial Scholarship
John and Helen Scott Cross-Cultural Scholarship Fund
Mildred M. Sechrest Scholarship
J.T. and Addie Maye Segroves Scholarship
Seniors by the Sea Scholarship
Russell M. (Russ) & Betty L. (Bet) Smith Preaching Scholarship
Melvin and Dorothy Styons Fund
Taylor Scholarship Fund
Trustees Fund
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship
Ann Warren Memorial Scholarship
Sadie Weathersbee Scholarship Fund
John P. and Jean B. West Scholarship Fund
Gerald and Joan Wilgus Scholarship Fund
Polly Winslow Memorial Scholarship
Harley T. Wood Scholarship
Guy and Dot Woolard Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leroy and Sally Woolard Fund
BB&T/Willis Owens/Charles Ward/J. Carroll Abbott Scholarship
H. Clay Ferebee, III Memorial Fund
Jack Hardy Memorial Fund
The George M. and Louise B. Lecka Fund
M.G. Morrisette, Jr. Faculty/Staff Scholarship
Perkins Fund
Alligood Endowment Fund
Hilton and Merle Chesson Fund
Charles Clay Memorial Fund
John and Lucille Griffin Fund
William A. and Patricia S. Griffin Fund
M.G. Morrisette, Jr. College Mission Fund
Christian Scholarship Promotion Fund*
CICM Sister School Fund: Legacy Berea Church of Christ
Deaf Studies Fund
Greene Library Fund
Men for Ministry Fund
Lamira Slagle Library Fund
John Harold and Janie Swindell Fund
Hilda S. Watson Memorial Fund
Worship and Music Fund
*indicates a fund has not reached the minimum to be awarded.