Ethics of Spiritual Integration – 9 am to noon, September 18, 2020
Ethics of Spiritual Integration: An exploration of the history of integrating spirituality into professional counseling, as well as ethical consideration and contraindications for including spirituality into counseling. Topics will include • History o American Catholic Psychological Association (ACPA) o Psychologists Interested in Religious Issues (PIRI) o Division 36, Society for the Psychology of Religion • Spiritual integration explained • Ethical considerations o Respect, responsibility, integrity, competence, concern o Dual relationships o Displacing or usurping religious authority o Codes of ethics o Practicing outside the boundaries of competence o Contradictions • Objectives o Understand the history of Division 36 as well as implications for, and contraindications for the use of spirituality in counseling practice o To learn guidelines for practical application of spirituality in counseling Mid-Atlantic Christian University adheres to social distancing mandates of wearing masks, distancing and sanitizing.