The Dean’s List is comprised of full-time students (12 credits or more) who earned a semester grade point average of 3.5000 or higher.
* Indicates students who earned a 4.000 GPA.
Baker, John Charles
Barrier, Brandon J.
Coble, Landin Quinn
Cooper, Natalie Alexandra
Crouse, Nicholas Ridley
Dail, Trey Tanner
Garza, Michael Perry
Griffin, McKenna Breann
Hardison, Dylan Morgan
Hood, Jesse Quinn
Jarman, Noah Rilley*
Jordan, Tyasia
Lambert, Jajour Shammon
Leidheiser, Anna E*
Maurer, Lancelot R
Nobles, Gabriel D
Smith, Clairese L*
Smith-Stultz, Charquise Iman
Springman, Matthew Cline
Stowe, Krysten Lois
Vickers, Joshua Scott Wayne
Watkins, Gracie Elizabeth
Wellons Jr., Geoffrey Jerome
White, Savannah Lee*
Wilder, Cortavion Latrell
4 other students earned “Dean’s List” honors but requested non-disclosure under FERPA.