Young Leaders Collaborative
We are part of a new wave of Christian leaders who are and passionate about creating a better world
We believe that experiencing God changes things.
We want to break stereotypes, challenge the status quo and spur our generation to know God more—and change the world while we’re at it. We want to engage our generation in a deeper conversation about faith.
We believe leaders never stop learning.
An excellent education will equip us to boldly innovate and create new paths in ministry, business, missions, biology, education and mental health.
We want to live the way Jesus did: through relationship and love. Encountering community means inviting others in or stepping out to connect and form deep and lasting relationships that support our community and our work for the rest of our life
We boldly engage culture with truth and grace.
The world changes quickly. We believe the Gospel is where healing begins, always! We value humans and diversity because God does. Bold does not always mean loud but it does mean obedient.We are leaders who listen and engage in dialogue—about truth, about faith, about freedom in Christ and the restoration of all things through him. The Spirit inside of us makes us bold, it is the only hope for the cynicism, anger, addictions, depression, confusion and injustice in our world . We truly believe the word of God in action has the ability to change the world, it always has. We believe we are the generation to spark a revival as we love bold and live bold.