Reciprocal Borrowing
What is Reciprocal Borrowing?
The ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program creates an arrangement between participating ATLA members to grant check-out privileges to each other’s patrons. The user simply walks into a participating library, shows proof of current enrollment at another participating library, and checks out materials based on the library’s local lending policies. The user is responsible for adhering to local policy and returning the materials in a timely fashion. Participating Libraries
Southeastern Bible College, Gannett-Estes Library
Claremont School of Theology, CST Library
Southern California Seminary
Bethel Seminary San Diego, Price Memorial Library
Claremont School of Theology, CST Library
Fuller Theological Seminary, Full Theological Seminary Library
Hope International University, Darling Library
Life Pacific College
Denver Seminary
Saint John Vianney Seminary, Cardinal Stafford Library
Wartburg Theological Seminary, Reu Memorial Library
Catholic Theological Union, Paul Bechtold Library
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, The United Library
JKM Library
Meadville Lombard Theological School, Wiggin Library
North Park University, Brandel Library
Northern Seminary, Brimson Grow Library
Trinity International University, James E. Rolfing Memorial Library
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Library
Bethany Theological Seminary, Lilly Library
Concordia Theological Seminary, Walther Library
Earlham College, Lilly Library
Earlham School of Religion, Lilly Library
Grace Theological Seminary, Morgan Library
Indiana Wesleyan University, Jackson Library
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, Archabbey Library
Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Asbury Theological Seminary, B.L. Fisher Library
Lexington Theological Seminary
American Congregational Association, Congregational Library and Archives
Boston University School of Theology Library
Western Theological Seminary, Beardslee Library
Andrews University, Library
Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Cardinal Szoka Library
Luther Seminary Library
United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, The Spencer Library
Bethel Seminary, St. Paul Library
Covenant Seminary Library
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Library
Nazarene Theological Seminary, William Broadhurst Library
North Carolina
Hood Theological Seminary
Mid-Atlantic Christian University, Watson-Griffith Library
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, The Library at Southeastern
New Jersey
New Brunswick Theological Seminary Gardner A. Sage Library
Athenaeum of Ohio, Eugene H. Maly Memorial Library
Phillips Theological Seminary
Multnomah University, Mitchell Library
Biblical Theological Seminary
Lancaster Theological Seminary, Schaff Library
Trinity School for Ministry Library
Westminster Theological Seminary, Montgomery Library
Harding School of Theology
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, The Ora Byram Allison Memorial Library
Emmanuel Christian Seminary, The Seminary Library at Milligan College
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Stitt Library
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Libraries
Seminary of the Southwest, Booher Library
Eastern Mennonite University, Hartzler Library
Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Library
Regent University Library
The Seattle School of Theology and Pyschology
Ambrose Seminary
Providence Unversity College and Seminary
Atlantic School of Theology Library