S. Elizabeth BonDurant

S. Elizabeth Bondurant
Professor of Music Emerita
Office Phone:
Email: beth.bondurant@macuniversity.edu
B.S. in Bible, Mid-Atlantic Christian University
M.A. in Bible, Abilene Christian University
M.C.M. in Voice, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Courses Taught:
Music Appreciation
Brief Biography:
Beth BonDurant was born while her parents were involved in establishing Atlanta Christian College. When she was nine, the family moved to North Carolina and participated in establishing Mid Atlantic Christian University. She graduated from Mid Atlantic in 1962 and joined the faculty in 1963. She became the college’s first Academic Dean in 1969-70 and retired from the office of Vice President for Academics in July 2007.
As a freshman student, Beth was one of twelve who formed a choral ensemble, choosing “Twelve in number, the Master’s in purpose,” and dubbing themselves “The Master’s Twelve.” When she retires from full-time teaching in May 2009, she will have led 304 different members of The Master’s Twelve on 52 tours. With her father, George W. BonDurant, as co-author and with memories provided by numerous contributors, Beth wrote Those Unforgettable Choral Tours, a history of The Master’s Twelve, the Freshman Chorus, and the Choral Club. The book is available free of charge upon request.
Beth is a member of the Towne South Church of Christ. She enjoys music and teaching and looks forward to the opportunities which retirement will provide.