Learning Outcomes
Students successfully completing an education major will have the following characteristics stated in the form of student outcomes which are in line with the North Carolina Standards for Teacher Preparation, the NC Core Standards and demonstrated by evidences collected in an electronic portfolio.
Conceptual Framework (CF) Student Outcomes for Teacher Education:
Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the concepts and skills related to the content they teach.
Demonstrate understanding of research-based practices and methodology, including technology, that is both engaging, and developmentally appropriate for teaching a diverse population of students enhanced by a viable classroom management plan.
Exhibit leadership skills needed to organize and manage the complex and dynamic environment of a public school—communicate, collaborate, think critically, solve problems, and be a life-long learner.
Demonstrate an ability to use both formal and informal assessments that drives instruction resulting in positive impact on student learning.
Display the reflective skills needed to ensure the progress of each student.
Establish caring relationships with students, their families, and the communities in which they live that demonstrate respect and maintain dignity in all situations.