Sport Management
The Sport Management concentration provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a Sports Management position. Through classroom instruction and experiential learning students prepare to be a professional leader in the sport industry.
Potential Career Fields:
Sports Facilities Manager
Sports Information Director
Students who complete the concentration in Sport Management will complete 12 credit hours in addition to the Business Administration Core of 42 hours.
Sports Front Office Administrator
Sports Communication Relations Director

Upon successful completion of this program, students will have gained specific knowledge in each of these classes:
Intro to Sport Management
- The student will identify the various sport segments and differences between them including professional sports, intercollegiate athletics, health, fitness and recreational sports.
- The student will define sport management and research the history of sport management today and in the future.
- The student will recognize the importance of human resources in sport as well as the unique differences in the search, recruiting, and staffing processes compared to other fields.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of budgeting practices within sport.
- The student will show that they understand the future needs of professional and intercollegiate athletics from the viewpoint of both the participant and spectator.
- The student will identify and compare current issues and trends in health, fitness and recreation.
- The student will evaluate risk management and its importance in facility management across all sport segments.
- The student will show the ability to write effectively as well as read and listen critically. Students will complete research and writing assignments.
- The student will identify the relevant influences upon the functions, processes and outcomes of recreational sport.
- The student will review and discuss the importance of managing employee diversity in the sport industry.
- The student will discuss the scope of the sport management industry and identify career opportunities as it relates to their interests and goals
Sport Marketing
- Provide a framework or conceptual model of the strategic marketing process that can be applied to the sports industry.
- Evaluate the growing emphasis on the globalization of sport.
- Analyze current research in the area of sport marketing and interpret the results.
- Explain the ethical issues that are emerging in sports and their impact in sport marketing decisions.
- Offer a balanced treatment of all aspects of sports marketing at all levels by listing up-to-date treatments.
- Explain the concepts and theories unique to sports marketing and discuss basic principles in the context of sports.
- Interpret comprehensive coverage of the functions of sports marketing.
Sport Administration
- Analyze sport management as a career field.
- Examine the future of the sport industry, including some of the questions that sport managers will be required to answer.
- Classify the social, cultural, economic, and legal issues that influence the sport business industry.
- Analyze the legal and ethical issues influencing sport management operations.
- Explain the importance of sport sociology for sport managers.
- Demonstrate the process of consumer decision making in sport.
- Describe organizational behavior in the context of the sport industry.
- Illustrate three basic roles that managers assume in sport organizations.
- Discuss the challenges and directions in sport marketing.
- Explain the breadth of sport-related careers that focus on communication, public relations, and related skills.
- Illustrate the purpose of the organizations that govern intercollegiate athletics.
- Analyze the unique facets of professional sport, including its governance and the labor-management relationship professional team sports depend on.
- Demonstrate the role, scope, and impact of sport management and marketing agencies as they relate to the business of sport.
- Compare and contrast the intersection between sport and tourism.
Sport Legal Liability & Risk Management
- Explain the laws around disabilities and sports such as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the ADA.
- Discuss issues related to religion and sport in the United States as they relate to the US Constitution.
- Describe antitrust and labor issues in sports.
- Explain sports crimes as it relates to sports violence, crimes against the person, crimes affecting the public health and welfare, and crimes against the government.
- Discuss contracts and terms, including important clauses relating to an endorsement agreement.
- Identify issues in sports related to intellectual property such as copyright, licensing, and ambush marketing.
- Discuss the laws surrounding illegal and performance-enhancing drugs and sports.
- Describe Title IX and other women’s issues in sports.
- Analyze international sports issues as they relate to sports law.
- Discuss sports torts in relation to waivers, statutes of limitations, intentional torts, and products liability.
- Explain the role of the attorney and agent when representing athletes.
- Discuss ADR in sports.
Program Requirements
SPMT 201 Introduction to Sport Management
This course provides information about the administration of athletic, fitness, and wellness facilities, and proper organizational, administrative, supervisory, and leadership procedures will be covered. Topics include, but are not limited to: sport industry segment, intercollegiate athletics, professional sport, fitness, recreation, budgeting, facility management, legal issues, record keeping, insurance, and technology in these settings.
Credit Hours: 3
SPMT 211 Sport Marketing
Examines the theoretical and practical implications of marketing in the sports industry by presenting a framework to help explain and organize the strategic marketing process. Offers a growing appreciation on the globalization of sports and an understanding of the ethical issues emerging in sports and their impact on sport marketing decisions.
Credit Hours: 3
SPMT 311 Sport Administration
This course examines principles of efficient management and leadership concepts as applicable to the sport industry. Emphasis is placed on principles and techniques of management relating to programs, facilities, special events, and personnel. Includes key personnel issues in sport management situations; ethics, law, and governance in sport management; the role of the marketing process in sport administration; and economics, accounting, and budgeting
Credit Hours: 3
SPMT 321 Sport Legal Liability & Risk Management
Introduction to the legal issues in sport. Study of safety, negligence and liability in sport. Explores how the legal system, principles of legal liability, contract law, and government regulation apply to sport. Designed to help teachers, coaches, facility managers, program directors, etc. develop the knowledge and skills to recognize and eliminate dangerous situations before they become a problem. Students are exposed to many legal concepts impacting sport.
Credit Hours: 3