Brand Standards
The following brand standards contain detailed instructions and guidelines for implementing the Mid-Atlantic Christian University identity system in a variety of applications.
The purpose of this Logo & Graphic Standards is to add consistency to every level of printed and digital communication. Each piece of communication relies upon and complements the established image guidelines, and over time, this consistency will provide staff, clients and the general public with a clear impression of the University.
Please note: The images on this page are not full size and, in some cases, are compressed. Do not directly save any images displayed on this page. Rather, contact the office of Institutional Advancement for official logo files.
Primary Signature
Color Assignments
Size & Protection
Primary Signature
The horizontal signature was designed for use in horizontal spaces where the primary signature may not fit well.
The MACU acronym logo was developed as an alternative to the standard logo for use in situations that offer small amounts of workable space. This logo is also acceptable as an alternative for the primary logo on items such as apparel and office supplies.
The Mid-Atlantic Christian University academic seal adds a level of authenticity and importance to documents that require immediate response or a higher level of concentration. In cases when the seal is used, it is representative of the University and should not be used alongside any other University logo.
The seal’s official use is to represent the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees must approve use of the seal. Its use should be limited and reserved for high-level documents like degrees, official communication and transcripts and the seal should not appear on products, clothing or basic interoffice communication. However, senior leadership can approve rare exceptions of use.
The University shield (logo with lighthouse) is the primary branding symbol of the University, and is the preferred mark for all communications. The seal and logo should not be modified for individual or departmental use. Please refer to the complete branding standards for proper use of the logo.
Athletics Symbol, Logotype, and Acronym
Athletics Symbol
The MACU Athletics symbol is a right-facing mustangutilizing, wherever possible, the official MACU greenas its sole color.
Athletics Logotype
The MACU Athletics logotype, in contrast to theofficial school logotype, utilizes strong, boldtypography, dynamic, curved baselines, and theofficial MACU green. The typography ensuresproper visibility on all athletics-related items,including hats, jerseys, shirts, jackets, etc. Twocolor options are available for use, dependingupon the fabric, surface color or tone. The MACUAthletics logotype can be used in a variety ofapplications, but final approval from a MACUrepresentative is preferred.
Athletics Acronym
The MACU Athletics acronym was created as analternative to the standard logotype and also utilizesstrong, bold typography, a dynamic, curved baselineand the official MACU green. The typography ensuresproper visibility on all athletics-related items, includinghats, jerseys, shirts, jackets, etc. Two color options areavailable for use, depending upon the fabric, surfacecolor or tone. The MACU Athletics logotype can beused in a variety of applications, but final approvalfrom a MACU representative is preferred.
Color Assignments
Consistent use of green and white as the colors for the presentation of our logo is vital. Text shall be set using 80% black & 50% black or white where applicable. The MACU logo can be printed using CMYK , RGB and Pantone printing processes. In instances that require a matte finish such as letterhead, envelopes and other print material, the Pantone Uncoated colors will be used. For all vinyl, plastic and typically glossy surfaces, the Pantone Coated colors will be used. When it is not possible to present the logo in the branded colors, it may appear in 80% black & 50% black or white as indicated by the samples. To ensure a unified look, which is vital to a strong brand identity, it is important to reproduce the colors in the MACU color palette as accurately as possible in all print and electronic applications. |
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Size & Protection
The MACU logo is one of the most importantpieces of intellectual property we own, and mustbe protected through proper use. To communicate most effectively, a minimum amount of spaceshould be clear of text, symbols, logos and other extraneous graphic elements. In no instance should a line of text or any othervisual element overlay the logo. The protection zone specifications are proportionate to the logo,and are derived from the height and width of the“Shield” mark. A minimum of one “Shield” markon each side of the logo will contribute to thelegibility of the logo.Equally important to the successful use of theMACU logo is the minimum size at which it shouldappear. Wherever possible, do not size the logoany smaller than 1.50” in width. | ![]() |