The university continues to mourn the events of Oct. 3 and to encourage everyone to pray, especially for the families involved.
A broad range of counseling and pastoral services have been available to students, staff, and faculty. They have included but have not been limited to pet therapy, general counseling, professional counseling, and pastoral counseling.
The university expresses deep appreciation to her graduates and alumni for their love and care. Many are trained in ministry and counseling, and they have been of great service to their alma mater throughout this ordeal. The university also emphasizes her gratitude for the many community ministers and counselors who have volunteered their services and support. She is also grateful for the outpouring of love from the Elizabeth City community and her officials.
Thank you for traveling this road with us. We invite you to read or listen to:
The Jonathan Schipper Scholarship
A Call to Prayer, October 8 Memorial Service Program
A Call to Prayer, October 8 Memorial Service Podcast