Rocky Fork Fellowship- Lead Pastor

Posted 12 months ago
Point of Contact Name: Mark Butrum
Name of Church: Rocky Fork Fellowship
Church Address: PO Box 55
Hallsville, MO 65255
Church Phone: (573) 696-3810
Position Hiring: Senior Pastor
Description of Position/Benefits/Church: Lead Pastor Search
Rocky Fork Fellowship ( is an 18-year-old growing congregation, in central Missouri, of about 500 persons in Sunday worship in Hallsville, MO (just a few miles northeast of Columbia, MO). As a bedroom community of Columbia, MO, the area is growing. Recently, our founding pastor retired. Rocky Fork Fellowship is searching for its next Lead Pastor. Rocky Fork Fellowship is an independent Christian Church, with contemporary worship, historically aligned with the churches of the Restoration Movement.
Vision, Mission, Values
The congregation, through a cooperative and comprehensive planning process, has very recently revamped its statements associated with vision, mission, and core values, as follows:
● Vision:
● Mission:
● Values:
Real Hope Flows
Live and Love Like Jesus
Biblical Authority—Our Pillar Making Disciples—Our Purpose Prevailing Prayer—Our Practice Joyful Unity—Our Pursuit
Sacrificial Generosity—Our Privilege
The congregation is committed to extending its involvement in ministry outside the walls of the church, taking ministry into the community. While a multi-generational congregation, there remains a vibrant focus to minister to young families.
Lead Pastor Qualifications
RFF is prayerfully and actively searching for a Lead Pastor who possesses the following credentials and experiences:
● An inspirational biblical communicator, emphasizing Bible-based explanations and contemporary application in preaching and teaching.
● A minimum of 5 years of experience as a senior leader in a congregation of 500 or greater.
● Experience serving in a lead capacity with a congregation associated with the Restoration Movement.
● An earned master’s degree (or a minimum of a bachelor’s degree) from a college or seminary aligned with the Restoration Movement.
● A proven leader who has a track record of recruiting, training, shepherding, and investing in leaders.
● A joyful demeanor and lover of people, whether they be churched, unchurched, or dechurched persons.
Ministry Description
The Lead Pastor will:
● Serve alongside the Elders of the congregation to implement the vision, mission, and values of RFF.
● Lead, supervise, and develop paid staff.
● Serve as the primary vision caster for the congregation.
● Lead and supervise a preaching team made up of qualified staff, with the Lead Pastor preaching most often.
● In league with paid staff, champion the recruiting and training of volunteer ministry leaders and placing volunteers in ministry, mobilizing members and friends of RFF for mission (Ephesians 4:11-13).
● Possess the capacity for building relational and leadership capital with persons inside the church and in the community.
● Harbor a servant leader mindset and a shepherd’s heart. Next Steps
Financial and benefits package will be competitive and commensurate with experience. The intention is to care well for the family of the next Lead Pastor.
Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to:
● Survey the church’s electronic media (website, Facebook page, YouTube channel, and church app).
● Pray sincerely about the possibility before sending application materials.
● If so moved to apply, send a cover letter as an email (to include web links to at least 2 video sermons) and a resume (with at least 3 references) to See additional information on the search and application process at

Job Features

Job CategoryPreaching Ministry

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