Paden City Christian churc-Minister

Posted 1 year ago
Point of Contact Name: Brent Croasmun
Name of Church: Paden City Christian church
Church Address: 105 E Main St
Paden City, WV 26159
Church Phone: (304) 266-4494
Position Hiring: Minister
Description of Position/Benefits/Church: Our minister is retiring, and the Paden City Christian Church is seeking a minister dedicated to the inerrant Word of God, has a love for preaching and serving, and is dedicated to the principles of the Restoration Movement. we have a vibrant, active congregation averaging 75 weekly. The church is financially sound. We have adult and a children’s Sunday School, as well as Sunday and Wednesday evening services. Our Elders do the preaching at a local, sister church weekly. The church does a monthly necessities/ food bank. We provide snack bags for various High School sports and band throughout the year. we also do an exciting 3 day VBS/ Day Camp for 50 kids each year since Covid.
Our minister will be expected to have morning office hours. A renovated parsonage is part of the compensation package.
Please contact Brent Croasmun, Elder, at 304-337-9437 or 304-266-4494, or e-mail resume to

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Job CategoryPreaching Ministry

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