Alumni Dues

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Annual dues for the Alumni Association are due each year at the spring business meeting. Therefore, to remain current–as well as to make you an active member–please pay your dues now or at the March meeting. The cost per year is $20.00 for a single alumnus or $30.00 for a married alumni couple. Lifetime dues may be paid at the rate of $250.00 single or $350 for a married couple.

To pay now, please send the following information with your check payable to the Alumni Association and mail to the attention of Helen Scott, 10629 Lambeth Rd., Glen Allen, VA 23060. You may also contact Helen at

Name______________________________________Class Year______

Amount paid _______ for

a) one person, one year; $20
b) married couple, one year; $30
c) one person, lifetime; $250
d) married couple, lifetime; $350


Alumni Association
Lifetime Memberships

Charles G. Presley (1952)
Grace S. Kendall (1952)
Ruby Creekmore (1955)
Frank B. Fuller (1956)
Elec McCoy Moore (1956)
Curtis L. Tillman (1956)
Rebecca M. Rogers (1957)
Margie C. Presley (1963)
Jerelene M. Richards (1963)
Leroy Woolard (1963)
Barbara S. Griffin (1964)
Edwin Griffin (ex’66)
Linda Joyner (1970)
Michael Derrow (1971)
Eugene Perry (1971)
Margaret Perry (1971)
Sharon Thornton (1971)
Paul Snow (1972)
Stephen Thornton (1972)
Roger Marvel (1973)
Robert Moulden (1973)
Dorothy Sciotto (1974)
Brenda Stanley (1974)
Kathy Thornton (ex’74)
Daniel Everett (1975)
Donal Zeiders (1975)
Donna Strawderman (1976)
James F. Stanley (1976)
Eugene Andrews (1977)
David Bateman (1977)
Vincent Cable (1977)
Emily Long (1977)
Gary Ogburn (1977)
James Smith (1977)
Alice Walton (1977)
Dale Everett (1978)
Mike Duffer (1978)
John Maurice (1978)
Ray Eure (1979)
James Moore (1979)
David Brothers (1980)
Lusetta Slagle (1981)
Clorice Wismer (1981)
James L. Wismer (1981)
Ivy Brothers (ex’82)
Ajai Lall (1983)
Timothy Turner (1983)
Ginger Ange (1984)
Sharon Grubbs (1984)
Warren Grubbs (1984)
Greg Hand (1984)
Randy McCarty (1984)
Larry Weaver (1984)
Jo Ellen Weaver (ex’84)
David Thornton (1985)
Malcolm Puckett (1986)
Ruth Headen (1988)
Jay Crawley (1988)
Todd Headen (1988)
William Keith Wood (1991)
Keith Wood (1993)
Nicole Wood (1993)
Gerrard Fess (1995)
Karen Rountree Lawson (1995)
Kendall Cuthbertson (1996)
Valeria Fess (1997)
Dewayne Woolard (1997)
Tamara Woolard (1997)
Shannon Cordon Manning (1997)
Neal Alligood (1998)
Jason Thornton (1999)
Alan Presley (2002)
Angela Rodkey (2002)
Vincent Rodkey (2002)
Chris Brandow (2005)
Timothy Winberg (2005)
Shawn Cooper (2007)
Bernice Davis-Mars (2007)
Mary Ann Godley Cooper (2007)
Nicole Jones (2007)
Helen Scott (2007)
John Scott (2007)
Rachel Hayes (2007)
Corey Jones (2008)

Rebekah Moore (Elected Alumnus)