Youth and Family – Curriculum

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Here you will find course descriptions for the courses required to complete the Youth and Family degree program.
For more information, please check the MACU Course catalog.
CO 201 Introduction to Counseling

A study of applied counseling approaches, including history of the profession and the integration of psychology, counseling, and Christianity. The primary focus is on evidence-based, goal-oriented counseling skills, strategies, and techniques in collaborating with diverse individuals, families, and groups.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

FM 201 Introduction to Family Ministry

Examination of foundational issues in youth and family ministry, including developing a philosophy of family ministry, components of a balanced family ministry program, and how to begin a new youth or family ministry.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

FM 211 Parenting Models

Strategies and techniques for parenting are numerous in our society. This course offers students insight to assist parents in the challege of raising children in a culture that is consistently changing. The challenge of parenting throughout the lifecycle requires flexibility, adaptation, responsibility and managing changing roles to assure effectiveness.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

FM 229 Teaching for Spiritual Transformation

This course will use a hands-on approach to exploring various resources and methods used to present the scripture to students and families. Specific areas of exploration will include resources for teaching, teaching through small groups, mentoring, and interactive teaching techniques. Guest lecturers who are professionals in family ministry will further cover relevant areas of methodology.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

FM 401 Legal and Administrative Issues in Family Ministry

The family is the basic social unit of society. Some of our earliest laws were enforced in an attempt to protect and preserve families. This course explores the interwoven connection of families with public policy and laws. Basic Administrative theory and practice that protects the church and its families are explained in detail.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

GM 201 Strategic Leadership in Ministry

A course designed to develop leadership potential in students and to give them a familiarity with the various elements of the administrative process, including: goal setting and achieving, organization, delegation, human relations, group dynamics, supervision and the training of other leaders. Though the principles are universal, the focus of the course is the local church. Students will have an overview of the biblical perspective on leadership. Students will have the opportunity to create a strategic map for the development of spiritual leadership in a faith-based organization or servant leadership in a non-faith-based organization.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

GM 471 Ministry Seminar

This course provides essential information for the student preparing to enter into Christian ministry. Topics included are family life, applying and interviewing for ministry, communication in ministry, conflict management, as well as finances and taxes for the minister. Also covered are practical aspects of ministry such as hospital visitation, calling, and time management.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

GM 480-482 Internship in Christian Ministries: Orientation, Experience, Evaluation

On the job training under the direction of a field mentor in the student’s chosen area of ministry. Any preparation provided by outside agencies will not replace the prescribed MACU sequence. 

Prerequisite: Approval of program advisor

Class Hours: 0, 0, 0

Lab Hours: 0, 300, 0

Total Credit Hours: 6

PS 227 Developmental Psychology

A study of human development throughout the lifespan, with an emphasis on how a knowledge of developmental stages is essential for people in a variety of occupations from education and counseling to health care and other areas of human service.

Prerequisite: PS 101

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

Choose either of the following:

FM 307 Human Sexuality

This course offers a Christian perspective regarding the physical, emotional, and spiritual ramifications of the diversity that exists in society. Appreciation and respect for diversity in sexuality is developed. The course explores the positive, negative, and precautionary measures that enable rational and moral decisions while discovering God’s gift of sexuality and individuality of each person.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

PR 201 Introduction to Preaching

The course introduces the student to the theory and practice of the preparation and delivery of sermons, with special attention to the various sermonic forms (topical, textual, biographical, and narrative sermons).

Prerequisite: SC 171

Pre or Corequisite: GB 151

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

Choose one of the following:

FM 235 Contemporary Youth Problems

This course is designed to acquaint the student with problems young people face. The student will do individual research and report on certain problems. Outside speakers may share insights concerning youth problems.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

FM 241 Introduction to Campus Ministry

This introductory course in campus ministry will introduce the student to the Biblical and philosophical bases for campus ministry. Attention will be given to the history of campus ministry and to the study of contemporary university culture. Special attention will be given to the preparation, role and work of the campus minister. Basic strategies of ministry as well as organizational concerns will be addressed.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3

FM 419 Children's Ministry

A course examining the principles and methods for effective ministry to children, birth through fifth grade. Special attention will be given to discipline, teaching, worship, and evangelism.

Class Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Total Credit Hours: 3